Title: Caprese Chicken Parmesan
Yield: 4 servings
Cooking time: 1/2 hour
Category: Entree
Cuisine: Italian
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Source: Spark Recipes
Original Page from recipes.sparkpeople.com1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2) Preheat nonstick skillet
3) Spray nonstick cooking oil in a baking dish
For Coating
4) On a plate, combine flour and black pepper
5) In a bowl, beat egg with chicken broth. Add chopped basil.
6) On another plate, combine bread crumbs, parmesan & romano cheese, garlic powder, and paprika
For Chicken
7) Coat chicken breasts on both sides with flour, then dip on both sides in egg mixture, then dredge on both sides in cheese-bread crumb mixture
8) Add chicken breasts to skillet with EVOO. Cook just until brown on each side. It will finish cooking in the oven.
9) Place chicken breasts in prepared baking dish. Bake in oven for 15-25 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken
10) In the last 5 minutes, top breasts with mozzarella. This needs to be added in the end because cheese burns easily.
11) Slice tomatoes in half and squeeze juices out over the sink before dicing them. Top mozzarella with diced tomatoes. Enjoy.